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Discover how faith and fitness
enable you to become
ALL that God created you to be.

Join  the fitness and faith community that is seeing real change around the world 
It all starts with you
Sign up for
FREE access to our 18 day fitness transformation.


Mountain Landscape


How it all works:

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Free Trial

Sign up for our newsletter. ITS FREE! In your email inbox you'll receive weekly encouragement, health and wellness tips, and full access to a free 18-day workout plan. This option is for those who would like to see what we are all about before diving in.  

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Take full responsibility for your wellness and jump into our paid subscription for just $1 a day.


 Subscription plan

We are giving away professional training for just $1 per day. You can join the Global community and receive DAILY workouts, inspiration, and nutrition advice sent straight to your inbox. Each workout will be accompanied by a word of encouragement, verse, or testimony from the field to fuel both the body and Spirit! There is no contract so you can cancel anytime





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The entire purpose of our program is to equip and enable people to step into the fullness of their callings. We don't just want subscribers, we want DOERS. It's our goal to help inspire and physically train you so that you are capable of saying YES to the Great Commission. We hope that one day you won't just be reading about the missionaries trekking in the Himalayas...but that you'll be joining them. That you won't just be imagining what it is like to dance and run with the orphaned and abandoned in Africa but that YOU would be dancing and running too. Because THIS is what fitness is all about. It's about being able to love those near and far.

You were made for this. 

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